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Show details for 14.0 FP214.0 FP2
Show details for 14.0 FP114.0 FP1
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Hide details for 12.0.2 FP512.0.2 FP5
MOBND2DM7ZServer - Entitlement Aggregator - Fixed an issue where the entitlement document was not getting updated with the new server/database name of the...
MACAD459XZServer - Web Server - Fixed an issue where accessing certain views via URL was not showing the correct documents. This regression was introduced in...
DANOD46JLUServer - ICAP - Fixed an issue where messages were getting stuck in mail.box due to a mismatch in the virus signature version.
MOBND3KU38Server - Entitlement Tracking - Fixed an issue where entitlement tracking was adding a FOUND entry if it was a flat name and not found in the...
MOBND3TFNKServer - Database - Fixed a hang that could occur in NIFOpenNote due to a very long loop causing high CPU and hanging a server...
MOBND6CL65Server - Entitlement Collector - Fixed an issue where Entitlement Collector would exit if a group exceeded the nesting level.
PSHED6MGLEServer - Web Server - Fixed an issue where, in some cases, response documents were missing in views using the RestrictToCategory option...
DFLSCZMT9GServer - Database - Fixed a crash that could occur due to lock table full on IMAP enabled database. Panic was from OSBBlockAddr from...
MOBND5CSYTServer - Adminp - Fixed an issue where a user's inbox was getting rebuilt daily by the Notes client causing long delays for large...
MOBND5XJUNServer - DirSync - Fixed an issue where DirSync was syncing disabled users as well as computer accounts.
HYZGD665PBServer - Database - Fixed a crash that could occur from keySearch function with error "PANIC: OSBBlockAddr: Bad BBlock handle" or error "Lock...
SGHHD6FA5FServer - Mail - Fixed an issue where the List-Unsubscribe-Post header was not being signed for DKIM.
MOBND6RJVVServer - Full Text - Fixed a crash that could occur on very large full text indexes.
NPDID7B9ANServer - Entitlement Tracker - Fixed an issue where the entitlement tracker was not correctly recognizing that groups with an ACL access level of...
JTHSD7V8YRServer - SMTP - Fixed an issue with the inbound SMTP implicit Bcc feature when enabled in the configuration document MIME -> Advanced -> Advanced...
MOBND72PNAServer - Directory Services - Fixed an issue with DirSync where invalid arguments error was causing an exception and either skipping sync objects or...
MOBND5XJZWServer - Entitlement Tracker - Fixed an issue where Entitlement Tracker was creating entitlements for disabled users and computer...
Show details for 12.0.2 FP412.0.2 FP4
Show details for 12.0.2 FP312.0.2 FP3
Show details for 12.0.2 FP212.0.2 FP2
Show details for 12.0.2 FP112.0.2 FP1
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Show details for 12.0.1 FP112.0.1 FP1
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